15 Hollybush Row
Oxford OX1 1JH

01865 576796

Welcome to Oxford Thai Massage

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Thai massage is a healing art that incorporates a considerable therapeutic effect and is different from a host of traditional massages. During a Thai massage, you lie on a floor mat instead of a massage table, and the practitioner manipulates your body in certain ways to enhance energy flow through your body and relax your organs. Thai massage is part and parcel of traditional Thai medicine. It bears great similarity to yoga and traditional Chinese medicine. This is based on the idea of energy lines that are referred to as sen.

There are several potential benefits of Thai massage. Some of the most important benefits of Thai massage are listed below: Helps reduce back pain Reduces headache severity Relieves stress Helps avoid a variety of strokes Ensures better sleep Relaxes your body and mind Improves digestion Turns you into a mindful individual

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